Monday, January 25, 2016

There has been a new revolution in the production of cars. Imagine the average driver being able to drive without paying any attention, on their phones even. This dream can be possible, with the new tech that's being tested. The program has created a way for the car to be able to detect and see any distractions that are upcoming. They can see any animals, sudden changes of any cars around them, even people walking through. The cars that are still being tested seem to be perfectly safe so far. In case the thought of a speeding vehicle down the road when a group of children are walking terrifies you, there is no reason. There is over 1,000 programs of all the possible pedestrians that can walk through. While the video itself was very informational, an overall review of it is that while the presenter has an extremely bland personality and voice it is still an interesting video. The driver-less car would not have any one in it, while the driver-assisted car does have someone in it. One day driver-assisted cars might be our future.

1.) What generation would be the most opposed to this in your opinion?

2.) Will it be necessary to have all the other safety protocols and improve on them in the future?